Friday, April 19, 2024

Bode Merrill X Games Real Snow 2018 – Interview and Video

Bode Merrill could not be reached for comment, because after logging his fourth Real Snow video, we’re pretty sure he’s “over it.” But the madman from Utah put that shit together and made it happen, and his toilet boilet ender may or may not be ultimate metaphor for his snowboard career. Congrats either way Bode, you’ll always be a winner in our book!

Here’s what his filmer Jon Stark had to say.

What shot/trick are you most stoked on?

Bode’s ender, the toilet bowl

What shot/trick was the biggest challenge?

All of them

Where did you film your part?

Italy, Calgary and Montreal

How long did it take?

Way too long

If you’ve competed in Real Snow before, how did this year go compared to the past? If not, how did the reality compare to your expectations?

Frustrations are at an all time high

Any surprises or good stories to tell?

I’m never doing it again.

Bode isn’t new to Real Snow, having logged 2 street edits and a backcountry part, a rewind to those below.

Real Snow 2016

Real Snow 2014

Real Snow 2013