Saturday, May 18, 2024

Ryan Curtin’s Revenge

Well, we’re in a silly internet voting contest (with a hefty cash prize) and against out better judgement and internet etiquette we just sent out a newsletter pandering for votes (no hard feelings if you unsubscribe.) Anyway, one response to our pleas was extra entertaining, so we figured we’d share. And hey, if you’re so inspired, click the link and vote when you’re done here.
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Sorry about that Ryan,

Here are all your submissions from the past year or so, in the order we’ve received them, most recent first. Now, will you pretty please vote for me in the Mini Creative Use of Space Comp here?

Love, Brooke

Oh, PS. Never say never.Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 2.42.18 PM

PPS Sorry, forgot one.


  1. hahaha what a loser. I think just about every one of those videos has been posted too. Either on the yobeat facebook or as a rejected edit.

  2. god damn brooke you are a bitch, who runs a shit horse website fueled by shity people who have no idea whats going on, thanks for continuing to suck

  3. This kid seems desperate. Sounds like he willing and able to give handjobs to anybody who posts his videos

  4. Ski Brule should never ever be put onto any snowboarding website. Biggest piece of shit hill ever

  5. This is golden. Seriously why I read yobeat right here. Does this kid have any idea how many edits get sent to yobeat daily?? And who the fuck has the time to make so many crappy edits that no one cares about??

  6. to everyone hating on my boy ryan curtin, you should know that he does not care that you thought his edit was shitty because he’s just having more fun than you ever will. talk shit to his face and he’ll spray beer in your face, and/or maybe even start a can/bottle throwing brawl.

  7. Curtins a boss, edits are always fun to watch. This website is a joke and going downhill with all the hate. Id like to see an edit of the fucks who post and write stuff for this site including Brooke.

  8. this website would feature a picture of my balls if i sent them an email. yobeat sucks. sexyboys are a bunch of fags as well

  9. Yo props to my boy Curt! He’s one of the sickest rappers around, and apparently puts out some dope edits. Those edits are fun to watch and looks like he is having a good time making them too. For all the people hating id love to see you throw down like these kids and maybe you should stop worrying about hating on yobeat and get out there and have fun yourself. Curt it was fun chillin in bear and hope to see you guys next year!

  10. First off the previous Jp Walker post is a fake that kid is the real “kook”, what a loser!

    To Dicksquad there will not be a loud ass party at Curtin’s house unless you smoke me out…
    YOU WON’T!

    Brooke you sound sexy…is this true?

    Give this kid the Hump day interview

  11. @The Real JP Walker
    Fool I smoke everybody out, try me

    rumor has it Curtin is one noise violation away from eviction…SATURDAY

  12. these comments make me want to go to bed with a plastic bag over my head. If these comments are serious ” For all the people hating id love to see you throw down like these kids “, ” he’s just having more fun than you ever will”, “#Curtinforhumpday” I have no more hope for humans and snowboarding.

  13. “throw down like these kids”

    please. come spend time in the real midwest, Troll, Hyland, Elm, Dulac.

    your guys skill level is up to par… with the 10 year olds down here. get on our level

  14. wow jerm you sound pretty butthurt about this. you should stop posting multiple times if you think he is such a loser. have fun hanging out in your moms basement while we ride the pow

  15. Troll… LAUGHABLE, get really buddy Wisconsin sucks and your “real midwest” is a bunch of shit nothing in the midwest is real but Wisconsin! c’mon just stick to your farms and eating your dickCHEESE. Notice how you say “down here” thats where your skill level is and all your elevation on these real midwest hills too.

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