Thursday, May 2, 2024

Newsflash: Timberline is Open!

Those chairlifts are a-turning. Photo: Ricky Hower

Technically Winter begins December 21, but for snowboarders, it starts as soon as the first snow flies — whether from guns or the sky — and we get to go snowboarding. Right? But in a magical place called Oregon, it’s almost like it’s always winter. In fact, snow permitting, Timberline reopens before it starts snowing, but after the summer camp-hype has gone away, in other words, it’s open on weekends, RIGHT NOW. Though powder is nonexistent and getting there is a hike, it’s worth every turn.

Just a buncha bros, riding in the middle of October. photo: Ricky Hower

Because it’s not really the season yet, and the summer camps are long gone, Fall may actually be one of the best times to hit Timberline. The biggest reason: no kooks. Imagine riding alongside only people who are as into snowboarding/skiing as you are. That’s Timberline in the Fall. Add in the fact that it’s often above the Oregon clouds (way better than a rainy day in Portland), and riding the Magic Mile is so damn pretty it’s something people pay to do even without ‘boarding once they get to the top, it’s a unique experience every one should have at least once.

They even have rails! Photo: Ricky Hower

If you’re in Oregon or considering make the trek, we offer a few quick tips for making the most out of your fall-boarding experience.

Don’t get there until noon. There’s no powder. And the glacier will be a nice solid block of ice if you race up there for first chair. Chill out and wait until it gets good and slushy.

Bring water. Much like summer, once you’re up there, you’re not coming down ’til the day is over, so bring whatever you’ll need. Fast laps on the Palmer Glacier are surprisingly dehydrating, and you can leave your stuff in the lift stand at the bottom of the Palmer chair. Same goes with sunscreen and extra gear.

Dress warmish. It’s not summer anymore, but it’s also not winter yet. Don’t plan on rocking your hoodie when the wind is whipping across the glacier, but it can also heat up if the sun is out. Your best bet is to wear layers you can easily ditch once you get up there.

See those clouds, yeah, you might even be above them. Photo: Ricky Hower.

Leave your expectations at home. The conditions change fast this time of year and just because there was a sweet ass jump on Saturday, doesn’t mean it will still be there Sunday. But chances are, if the lifts are running, there’s something worth doing up there.

Buy a Fusion Pass. Not to sound like too much of a salesmen, but hot damn, the Fusion Pass is a good deal — probably the only pass in the country that gives you literally 8 months of shredding (plus you get to ride Ski Bowl in the winter.)


  1. i’m a lonely transfer student at U of O, someone tell me how i can get up to timberline! i haven’t made any friends that ride yet and i have no car (but i’ll definitely throw in for gas). help me.

    all my love,
    desperate 20 year old

  2. ^greasebus or something. in colorado we ride early season with the worst of the worst. skatecaps galore and people you never see during the regular season doing bs boardslides on a picnic table. still fun though

  3. @DRVNK

    i did the same thing last year. ride the max to greshem and then hitch hike. you get picked up surprisingly fast with a snowboard under your arm. plus people feel bad when your standing on the side of the road in the rain.

  4. how bought that. Making connections. But foreal, there should be a rideshare for the U.S. There’s a great one in some European countries. Maybe I’ll start it

  5. @hahahahaha and DRVNK. at the gresham max station you can get the free sandy bus that takes you all the way through sandy then just hitch from there.

  6. just ride the taco bell gravy train all the way to t line thats what me and my friends do. u of o is full of hipster bitches

  7. Well would you look at that. I’ll be back home in Portland in two weeks for two weeks….hopefully winter comes sooner rather than later. I don’t want to settle for flatline if I don’t have to.

  8. Damn! Now the cat’s outta da bag! You don’t have to tell everyone about this, locals secret. 😉

  9. I love timberline like a fat kid loves cake. Last Sunday was such a blast up there, nothin like shredding in the sun with all the homies in October!

  10. @DRVNK Go buy a razor scooter and get up their yourself. i rode by myself most of the time last season because all the kids in my school were burton bro’s and my freinds would rather get hammered then shred. i realized boarding by yourself wasnt so bad

  11. Looks sick! What resort is this? Where can i find more info? Thinking about driving down from Whistler

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